
☕ 1st US Shipment & Panama Tours are Back! ?

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This week was another eventful week in our development as we packed and shipped our first order of specialty coffee and chocolate from the new chocolate factory in Panama to our client in the US.

For some time now, you have been able to order our Belizean range of bars and other chocolate products on Amazon, Shopify, and other online channels, for local US delivery.

Now, in just a few short weeks, you will be able to order and sample our Panamanian range of chocolate bars, as well as our roasted specialty coffee and even some cascara!

To date, all of our coffee has been sold and shipped green (un-roasted) in large volumes to roasters around the world. However, this is the first time our coffee will be available roasted, in 250-gram bags, with local US delivery.

So whether you are an existing client or a long-term reader of these newsletters, now you can finally enjoy some of our delicious coffee and chocolate products in the comfort of your own home.

As soon as the products are online and ready to be delivered, we will send you the links.

Panama Origin Tours Are Back!

As excited as we are to have our products available for you to try at home, nothing beats the experience of visiting us at Origin to see how it all works.

Pre-Pandemic, we would host six tours a year in Panama and Belize, where groups of intrepid travelers would come and spend a few days with us, walking the farms, meeting the team, sampling the various products, and really getting to know us.

It’s no coincidence that our largest clients and biggest advocates have all been to origin, some on more than one occasion. Sure, emails like this are an excellent medium to get a story across. Still, nothing beats meeting the team in the flesh and truly understanding all the hard work that goes into developing specialty coffee and cacao farms and producing high-end products. Not to mention the social impact your investment has on the community.

So, we are delighted to announce that we will once again be hosting coffee and cacao farm tours in Panama.

Who is ready for an adventure?

Visit our new tour page and discover what’s in store!

Please let us know if you are interested in traveling to Panama over the next six months, how many people you would be traveling with, and what your ideal time to travel is.

Based on the responses, we will produce and share a schedule of tours for you to choose from.

We very much look forward to seeing you in person once again and hosting you in Panama soon.

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Cacao Farmland Opportunity

Farming, Processing, Marketing & Sales All Done For You.
See This Opportunity
Darren Doyle
Darren Doyle
Co-Founder & President of AgroNosotros
Toll Free USA/Canada 877-208-7988
Direct +520-226-9119
Panama Cellular +507-6067-1091