
Category: Farm Update

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Ensuring Agricultural Success Amidst Global Challenges: The Role of Competent Management

As we all are very well aware, the world seems to be being tossed upside down. The macroeconomic effects of wars, terrorism attacks, supply line disruptions and other upheavals are stressful enough. Now add to that the ongoing battle with Mother Nature and the weather. And now we seem to be developing the “perfect storm” with floods, droughts, massive forest
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Grafting Our Cacao Saplings!

In cacao, just as in coffee, different varietals have different qualities. Some are more robust, with strong root systems, high yields, and are resistant to disease, but tend to have a low quality of cacao. Other varietals produce super high-quality cacao but have a weak root system and are susceptible to disease. Grafting allows us to marry the best of both.
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? 155,000 Coffee and Cacao Saplings this Planting Season

“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the next best time is today.” As planting season is upon us once again in Panama, the farms are a hive of activity. In Boquete, the coffee farmers are preparing to plant 80,000 coffee saplings of the most in-demand varietals across our network of 11 specialty coffee farms.
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? What Real “Boots on the Ground” looks like! ?

How often have you heard the phrase “boots on the ground” used in the investment or real estate industry? Originally it was a Military saying. "Boots on the ground" is shorthand for troops deployed in a foreign country. ... Infantry has been stomping in boots through the mud…. It has become a critical phrase recently for any passive investor who is
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? Breaking Ground - New Cacao Nursery!

Exciting times this week as our farm team got started building our 75,000 capacity cacao sapling nursery on our new farm in Chiriqui Grande, Panama. Andres Lopez, or VP of Farming Operations, had carefully identified the best area on the 62.5 hectares (156 acres), based on the topography, location, access, and soil. We will be using soil directly from the
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? Christmas Came to our Coffee Farmers

2020 has been a challenging, peculiar year for everybody with many unexpected difficulties that have tested us as individuals and as a company. Yet, far from weakening us, it has given us the strength to continue growing with our Team and an opportunity to learn how resilient we can be. Around this time every year we have a treasured tradition
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Planting Season is Here Again!

In agriculture, everything moves in cycles. Now with rainy season approaching full flow, our coffee farming team in Boquete, Panama is getting ready to plant another 107,280 saplings throughout our network of 12 specialty coffee farms! The majority of these saplings (79,992 to be exact) will go into the “raw land” farms in the Jaramillo region with the balance going
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Implementing New Technology in our Coffee Nursery

Building a coffee nursery is probably one of the most important activities a coffee farm needs to develop. This allows us to: Be certain of the quality of the seed, its origin, its varietal and its early treatments among many other important details. Manage the root systems of each plant from the very early beginning of seedling development Manage the
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Monitoring Our Coffee Farms During CO-VID19

The world as we know it may have slowed down, and in some cases even stopped, but life on a coffee farm and the agricultural activities that we perform, continue daily. During the week we visited our cluster of 5 farms in the Jaramillo Region, to monitor our plantations and decide on the shade control protocol that we need to
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Pathways, planting and progress!

When you invest in a turnkey managed, passive income generating farm, you do so because you don’t really want to get your hands dirty. You let your money work for you. Not the other way around. Smart! But, someone has to get their hands dirty to turn around these old farms and plant the new farms from scratch. Luckily for
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